"Highlight Corner"


For the month of December 2020, we are highlighting Teri Fisher. She looks lovely wearing our "I'm Not Perfect But I'm A Limited Edition Beret." 

Teri's interview:
What is your favorite color? Pink

What is your preferred item of clothing and why? Leggings! During this pandemic, I've become accustomed to wearing and loving leggings. They are so comfortable and they can be styled with just about anything. 


What is your go to positive quote? Bible scripture, Jeremiah 29:11:

 "For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

What is a recent obstacle that you overcame? Every day, I am overcoming obstacles. I was born with Chiari Brain Malformation.  I did not find out about it until I was 42 years old. Over the years,  I've had so many symptoms. Before, I found out about the  Chiari Brain Malformation diagnosis, my body was attacked by other diseases like  Hashimoto's Thyroid Disease, Scoliosis, and Fibromyalgia.   I am overcoming these diagnoses every day because  of God's healing power, his grace and his mercy. I am so grateful!  Every single day he  is healing me.



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